CKA Winter 2023 New Members
Dear Distinguished CKA Members and Friends, I hope you are having a great start to 2024. I am pleased to present 12 outstanding individuals who have recently become part…
Dear Distinguished CKA Members and Friends, I hope you are having a great start to 2024. I am pleased to present 12 outstanding individuals who have recently become part…
아틀란타 중앙일보 – 지난해 개봉해 각종 영화제와 언론들로부터 호평을 받은 한인 2세 감독의 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘리커스토어 드림스'(Liquor Store Dreams)가 22일 애틀랜타에서 상영돼 한인들에게 많은 감동을 안겨주었다.
Stories and Sustenance. As we near the close of January, after experiencing frigid temperatures and abundant snowfall across many parts of the country, our thoughts turn to the stories that…
올해 미국 대통령 선거에 한인들이 투표를 많이 해야 한인들의 권익이 신장됩니다.” 아브라함 김 CKA(Council of Korean Americans, 한미위원회) 대표는 19일 본보를 방문해 가진 인터뷰에서“올해는 기회이자 도전의 해”라면서“200만명의 한인들이 연방 상하원의원…
SAIPAN TRIBUNE – Former colleagues, Korean American friends and other acquaintances held a special retirement celebration for former veteran diplomat Sung Kim, best known for his negotiations with North Korea,…
한인 2세들의 발목을 잡고 있는 선천적 복수국적법 문제에 한인 2세들이 나서 해결을 요구할 전망이다.
CKA proudly kicked off the New Year by honoring the remarkable achievements…
Dear Distinguished CKA Members and Friends, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am thrilled to introduce 20 exceptional individuals who have recently…
120 Years: Legacy Celebration. As we stand on the threshold of December, the closing notes of November carry with them the echoes of gratitude and the resonance of 120 years…
월드코리안 – 애틀랜타 박선근 한미우호협회장이 지난 10월 28일 미국 워싱턴DC에서 열린 CKA(미주한인위원회, Council Korean American) 갈라에서 ‘포용상(Embrace Unity Award)’을 받았다.