On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, CKA’s Executive Director Abraham Kim moderated a conversation with two prominent Korean American leaders in the New Jersey and New York area to talk about the ongoing efforts to support communities dealing with the public health challenges and socio-economic disruptions caused by COVID19: Congressman Andy Kim, Representative of the New Jersey 3rd District, and Charles Yoon, President of Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY). We discussed this worrying trend against the Asian American community as fear, disruption, and uncertainty increase in the United States with deepening the public health crisis. Hear these leaders address critical questions: What does the $2 Trillion economic stimulus package mean for businesses and families? What can be done to address the rising tide of anti-Asian Americanism in this uncertain environment? As the epicenter of COVID-19 in the United States, what is the current state of communities in the New York and New Jersey area? What can we do to help?