We have seen the significant impact that our Emerging Leaders Network has made over the past six months. From professional development webinars to a virtual summit to a 30-member virtual fellowship program, we have sparked a newfound passion within the next generation of young Korean American leaders — and we wish to continue with these life-defining moments with your help!
The Emerging Leaders Network is an on-going program intended explicitly for college #students and young #professionals to connect and engage with one another through forum posts, events, job opportunities, and more via our exclusive social media platform. This includes access to our resource & media center, #jobpostings board for opportunities, #internships, #scholarships, and #grants and weekly #events to develop their #professionalskills.
The long-term impacts will address the fundamental effects of current events on the world and our #community. This will allow individuals to successfully move forward as leaders in our community and provide a social support network to deal with identity-conscious issues, such as coping with societal aggressions toward #AsianAmericans in public and the workplace and professional #identity.
If you would like to be part of supporting these opportunities for the future generations of Korean American emerging leaders, please consider donating to us at https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/connect-young-korean-american-leaders-for-success/
If you would like to donate to our organization to support further our efforts in advancing the Korean American community, please visit councilka.org/donate.
Over the summer, through our sponsors’ kind donations, we could have an impactful and successful 6-week virtual fellowship program that included 30 fantastic fellows. To see more of this #IgniteNextGen program, visit ignitenextgen.org.