Travis Cross
Metro Region: Los Angeles
Member Since: 2022
During five years as wind ensemble conductor at Virginia Tech, Cross led students in performances at the Virginia Music Educators Association conference, Kennedy Center, and Carnegie Hall and developed the Virginia Tech Band Directors Institute into a major conducting workshop.
Cross earned doctor and master of music degrees in conducting from Northwestern University and the bachelor of music degree cum laude in vocal and instrumental music education from St. Olaf College. His principal teachers were Mallory Thompson and Timothy Mahr. Prior to graduate study, he taught for four years at Edina (Minn.) High School, where he conducted two concert bands and led the marching band program.
Cross wrote a chapter for volume four of Composers on Composing for Band and contributed to The Horizon Leans Forward: Stories of Courage, Strength, and Triumph of Underrepresented Communities in the Wind Band Field and The Future of the Wind Band: Philosopher and Practitioner in Dialog, all available from GIA Publications. His more than 20 original compositions and arrangements are published by Boosey & Hawkes, Daehn Publications/C.L. Barnhouse, and Theodore Music.
Cross has appeared as a guest conductor, composer, and clinician in nearly 40 states; internationally in Canada, China, Korea, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates; as featured band clinician at the Texas Music Educators Association Clinic/Convention; and on several occasions at the Music for All National Festival and Midwest Clinic. Cross is a Yamaha Master Educator.