In Memory of Timothy H. Haahs
P31BusinesS Ministry
Metro Region: Pennsylvania
Member Since: 2017
Tim recently co-authored a report for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) “East Asia Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap”. The roadmap explores the opportunities for implementing sustainable planning, design, and construction strategies and technologies, and the benefits that a low carbon green growth path would offer to the region of Southeast Asia.
Tim served on the Board of Directors for Biblical Theological Seminary in suburban Philadelphia. He is also a Board Member for the Einstein Healthcare Network and the Philip Jaisohn Foundation. In 2013, the Korean Broadcasting System featured Tim and his firm on its weekly documentary, showcasing Korean global leaders’ success stories.
Tim received an honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology from Kosin University and holds a BS and MS in Civil/Urban Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a licensed engineer and registered architect. In 2016, he was awarded with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and in 2011 and 2012 respectively, he was recognized by ASCE Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley Engineers as Engineer of the Year. In 2006 he was selected as Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year for the Real Estate and Construction category in the Philadelphia Region, as well as the ZweigWhite Jerry Allen Courage in Leadership Award in 2010. He is an author of a bestselling book, “P31, Bible Based Business.”
Tim currently resides in Lower Gwynedd, PA with his wife, Janice and their two daughters.