PJ Kim
Founder & Managing Partner, Lincoln Square Partners
Location: New York
Member Since: 2012
PJ Kim is the Founder and Managing Partner at Lincoln Square Partners, focusing on leadership development, talent assessment, organizational due diligence, and performance coaching for C-suite executives. He counsels and coaches leaders of global business units, portfolio managers, CEOs of numerous portfolio companies across all industries, and heads of schools, performing arts groups, and civic organizations. Previously, he led commercial due diligence projects at Parthenon-EY, and served clients in numerous industries and nonprofit organizations at McKinsey & Company. He was also CEO of New York Needs You: a nonprofit that helps first-generation college students transfer from community colleges and enter competitive careers, and the Executive Director at the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy: an urban policy think tank founded by Dr. Martin Luther King’s advisors during the Civil Rights era. PJ also led the country’s largest free tax preparation campaign by serving 43,000 low-income New Yorkers with $80 million in refunds with the Earned Income Tax Credit and was part of the start-up team of SingleStop USA, an ambitious national campaign to return $1 billion in benefits and services for low-income families. During a window of impetuous and idealistic fervor in his early adulthood, he ran a spirited but unsuccessful campaign for New York City Council and earned the endorsement of the New York Times, the New York Daily News, Citizen’s Union, and DC-37: NYC’s largest municipal workers’ union. PJ received an MBA and MPA from Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and his undergraduate degree from Princeton, where he served on the Board of Trustees and currently serves on the Committee to Nominate Alumni Trustees. PJ was one of the founding board members of the Korean American League for Civic Action (KALCA) and a former board member of the Council for Urban Professionals. He married way out of his league to his beautiful wife Jayne, which confuses bystanders who wonder, superficially, what she is doing with someone like him. He is the proud father of 3 daughters, Emilie, Alexandra, and Valentine. He was born in South Korea and attended public schools in Louisiana and Tennessee.