Grace H. Park
Acting Prosecutor,
Union County, NJ
Union County, NJ
Location: New Jersey
Member Since: 2017
Since June of 2013, Grace H. Park has served as the Prosecutor in Union County, New Jersey, a jurisdiction of approximately 550,000 people living in 100 square miles, situated in the New York City metro area. She oversees an office of 250 employees and coordinates the law enforcement efforts of approximately 1,600 police officers in 21 local police departments. She is the first Korean-American female chief prosecutor in the country, the first Asian-American county prosecutor in New Jersey history, and the first female and the first minority to serve as prosecutor in Union County’s 160-year history. During her four years of sworn service, Prosecutor Park has overseen the prosecution of numerous high-profile and sensitive criminal cases, as well as introduced a variety of initiatives emphasizing transparency and accountability in law enforcement; these have included a comprehensive body-worn camera program for patrol officers, bias prevention training for all officers, and a variety of outreach programs. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Park had spent seven years as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of New Jersey, prosecuting cases involving terrorism, narcotics, violent crime, healthcare and government fraud, and economic crimes. More recently, Ms. Park managed civil litigations for the pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer Inc. as Senior Corporate Counsel. In addition, Ms. Park was a litigation associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLC in New York City. She also clerked for the Senior United States District Judge William H. Walls, sitting in Newark, New Jersey. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and Harvard Law School.