IgniteNextGen Summer Series: Session #1 with Stephanie Han
If you’ve attended our Emerging Leaders Summit or are seeking career-focused leadership development opportunities, we are proud to announce our latest program: The IgniteNextGen Summer Series.
In the midst of COVID-19 school closures and canceled opportunities, the IgniteNextGen Summer Series is a virtual career-focused leadership webinar series is intended to empower young leaders for greater impact in their local communities through identity-building, forming stronger professional networks, honing public speaking skills, and promoting self-growth.
The IgniteNextGen Summer Series is open to anyone interested in professional and interpersonal growth. As we continue to release more information in the coming weeks, please save your spot by registering for the Summer Series today, starting on Monday, June 29th!
We’re excited to kick-off our Summer Series with a webinar on Monday, June 29 (5 pm ET, 2 pm PT) with award-winning author Dr. Stephanie Han. Dr. Han is the author of “Swimming in Hong Kong” and is a 3rd-generation Korean American who has written extensively on identity, borders, and polyculturalism. This first webinar will cover an overview of 20th & 21st-century Korean American literature and its main themes of nation, family, memory, and race.
If you’re interested in learning the answers and hearing more from Dr. Stephanie Han, please RSVP using the button below. And if you’d like to know more about Dr. Han, please check out our exclusive interview with her for our Korean American Perspectives podcast here.