
The Council of Korean Americans accepts qualified individuals to become CKA members based on a formal application process. If you are interested in becoming a CKA member, we highly encourage you to reach out to current CKA members expressing your interest.

    • Applications are accepted all year round. However, our Membership Committee will review and approve submitted applications on a quarterly basis. The deadline to submit applications for the next round of reviews is December 15, 2024.
    • You will be notified of your application status when it is under review.
    • Please remember to supplement your application with two letters of recommendation from current CKA Members, a brief biography, and a headshot photo.


  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. As you have conversations with current CKA Members, please remember to ask questions about member responsibilities, as well as membership dues commitments.

Our dedicated Membership Committee reviews all submissions. After a rigorous review process, the Membership Committee sends their recommendations to CKA’s Board of Directors. Once the Board reviews them, they vote to approve the candidates. Invitations are then sent out to the applicants.
CKA Members are not required to attend events or participate in any specific activities. However, you are strongly encouraged to build relationships with other members; join a committee in support of a particular CKA program; raise funds for the organization; and/or recruit members to join CKA. Contact our office for more specifics.


  • The opportunity to engage in leadership and mentoring activities to nurture positive Korean American identity and civic involvement.
  • The opportunity to lead in efforts to create productive inter-community relationships as a CKA representative.
  • A platform for identifying and advancing issues and ideas that benefit the Korean American community.
  • A platform for educating the Korean American community and the broader national community regarding issues of importance to Korean Americans.

Please contact membership@councilka.org for any further questions.