During this COVID-19 pandemic, the needs of the Korean American community are so great. In response to this, we wanted to respond in a meaningful way to help the many Korean American civic organizations across the U.S. working tirelessly on the frontlines to help vulnerable communities.
CKA’s national relief effort aims to mobilize humanitarian funds quickly and distribute them to experienced and reputable Korean American nonprofits in different areas of the United States that have committed themselves to the above priority areas.
CKA will continue to identify regions across the U.S. with high Korean American populations. Funds will be given to nonprofits in these regions that support Korean Americans who are low-income seniors/support elder care, assist with mental health & family counseling, or provide aid to undocumented families. Direct assistance will be offered to nonprofits on the frontlines of helping the most vulnerable populations of Korean Americans & ensure their constituents do not fall due to a lack of funding.
Visit the link to view all the ways you can create a positive impact on the Korean American communities across the United States!